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AI-Powered Smart Inventory Management and Supply Chain All Across

Reliable and Robust Solution For Automated Inventory Control

Smart Inventory Management

Increase your service revenues and enhance your customers’ satisfaction with an efficient and intelligent inventory and warehouse management solution with Simpliin. It gives you absolute visibility and control over your inventory in optimizing the stock levels and prevent stokouts.

Often businesses face difficulty in accounting their stocks accurately. Not possessing a thorough understanding and supervision of all the assets and inventories of a business can make the organization insolvent.

improve and deliver performance

Improve Delivery performance

high warehouse productivity

High Warehouse Productivity

increase customer satisfaction

Increase Customer Satisfaction

avoid product runout of stock

Avoid Product Run-out

optimizing supply chains

Optimizing Supply Value Chains

meet customer demands

Meets Customer Demands

lower inventory management costs

Lower Inventory Management Costs

lower inventory management costs

Improves Inventory Accuracy

A Technology-driven Cloud-based IMS

Simpliin is a cloud-based software solution that enables you with the ease of accessing your inventory data from any device.

With Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Analytics, Simpliin provides optimized reports along with a deeper understanding of hidden insights from the analytics that help in evaluating multiple inventory strategies, comparing outcomes, and making data-driven decisions.

Our Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning algorithms not only optimize the inventory levels but also provide real-time recommendations to optimize reorder parameters and real-time monitoring of inventory metrics.

simpliin optimization

Gain a 360-degree view of your inventory with Simpliin

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Saves time from manually generating your inventory data, thus empowering you with smart automation of operations.



Replace your inefficient inventory. Streamline operations and get forecasts on your client needs.


Asset Management

Managing your extensive product lines made easy and simple with our powerful Machine Learning algorithms.

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Reports generated from the advanced analytical tools give intelligent insights that help you in strategizing your supply channels.



Optimize your inventory, network operations, planning, logistics, supply chains, forecasting, and demand-supply volatility.


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